Chat Masala

Introducing mouthwatering  Sister Chat Masala – the perfect spice mix for adding a burst of flavour to your chaat! Our blend is made with a unique combination of tangy and savoury spices, including amchur (dried mango powder), cumin, coriander, and black salt. What sets our Chat Masala apart is the high-quality ingredients we use – each spice is carefully selected and blended in the perfect ratio to create a balanced and delicious mix. Whether you’re making aloo chaat, bhel puri, or any other chaat dish, Sister Chat Masala is sure to take your taste buds on a flavorful journey to the streets of India. Try it today and experience the authentic taste of chaat like never before!

Packing: 50g
Nutritional Information
Carbohydrates 37.5 g
Energy 308 Kcal
Protein 14.0 g
Sugars 0.0 g
Fat 12.1 g
Shelf Life Best before 12 months.
Storage Condition Store in a cool & dry place
MRP ₹35
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